This are the drawings that I made before...well they're all gone now...because I'd already gave them to my friends...nothing left to me but these pictures..but then I'm happy because they appreciated the creation of my hand.
Did you know that criticism is not about negative? Maybe some of us know that already...but then my prof said that criticism was giving a comment w/c maybe positive or negative, wanted or unwanted...(",)
I work hard for the things I want, I work harder for the things I need,... But even I work harder even hardest for a person I love, still wont work. ...the harder I work for it the harder it gets to reach...the pain last within... shall I give up to win?..and stop the feeling for an ease? Beneath my mind that tells to forget...then what will happened next?...If the feelings of mine shall die, tears will fall and I will cry...and so my heart will die.